Before the Big Freeze!
This is how my flower bed looked last week, before the freezing temps hit! Believe me, it doesn't look like this now! It looks sad, sorry, and pitiful! It's hard not to get depressed about the damage to my "babies", but I'm trying to remember that many farmers have lost their crops for the year and some apple farmers are in danger of losing their trees. To say that nature is cruel seems pretty silly, but this spring has been kind of a cruel joke! Much of March was so warm that all kinds of plants budded out much earlier than usual, and were therefore, very vulnerable to the extreme cold we're having (20 this morning, 15 yesterday morning with 2-3 inches snow, and more cold predicted tonight). It looks as though I've lost all my Bleeding hearts, Astilbes, Lilies, some Daylilies, some Hostas, Liliacs, Clematis for this year - hopefully not permanently. Some survivors seem to be Candytuft, Phlox, Geraniums, Irises (maybe!) Bluets, Aunt Jimmie's Spiderwort, some Columbines. Don't know what the Roses will do - foliage is dead, but hope they will put out new and bloom. Gardeners must be crazy!
No good - particularly after the too-rainy summers you've had recently. Sorry! We got a couple of pretty days out of some of our azaleas but they're all fried now, including most that were just opening. The dogwoods seem to have weathered the freeze okay.
Talked to one of my customers in Athens GA today and it got far enough down there that the peaches in GA and SC are probably shot - we know the peaches and apples in NC are a lost cause. Very sad.
By Tony Plutonium, at 4/10/2007 6:26 PM
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